Dying Man’s Last Wish: Someone Take Care of My Dogs


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Five Year’s Ago: Dying Man’s Last Wish

Five year’s ago, LifeLine Animal Project in Atlanta, GA took in two very special dogs: Lily, a black Belgian Shepherd, and Daisy, a Chocolate Lab mix. These girls once belonged to a man who had adopted them from a shelter and provided them with a wonderful home. However, after spending only two years with Lily and Daisy, he learned that he had stage four terminal cancer. As he was about to go into hospice, he turned the dogs in to LifeLine Animal Project in the hopes that his girls would be adopted into wonderful homes.

Still Waiting For A Home

Five year’s later, the girls are seniors and are still waiting for their happy ending. They are currently living in a foster home with a number of other dogs, however, they deserve to spend their golden years in a home where they will get the love and attention that they deserve.

Lily and Daisy are gentle girls with sunny dispositions who are house trained, easy going and low maintenance. They need someone to adopt them together and love them, and in return, they be serene companions who provide lots of unconditional love.

Could yours be the forever home they’ve spent all this time waiting for? Why not meet them and find out? You’ll make two sweet girls ecstatically happy, and you’ll reap rewards that by having two loyal campions. To set up a meet and great, please email adoptions@lifelineanimal.org or visit their website at www.lifelineanimal.org.

Daisy & Lily

pet adoption
Senior pups DAISY and her best friend Lily are real heart stealers. Girl pups who love those who care for them, are gentle to each other, and want nothing more than a little attention and a good dinner. Did we mention that they are house trained? Contact us today to meet and help them both live out their days providing the reward of unconditional love.
pet adoption
Senior pups LILY and her best friend Daisy are real heart stealers. Girl pups who love those who care for them, are gentle to each other, and want nothing more than a little attention and a good dinner. Did we mention that they are house trained? Contact us today to meet and help them both live out their days providing the reward of unconditional love.


WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
