20 Pit Bull Facts That Every Dog Owner Needs To Know

Pit Bull Facts

It’s no secret that pit bulls have a bad rap. The breed is significantly misunderstood, and portrayed in the media as dangerous, and not worthy of love. The millions of pit bull owners around the world (myself included), will tell you, just like with any pet, when a pit bull is trained properly and treated with love and care, they are incredible dogs. Any animal can become ferocious if it is trained to be… even a Golden Retriever.

The best thing we can do to get rid of this stigma about pit bulls is to educate people about this amazing breed. This is why we’ve rounded up 20 pit bull facts that we think will change the way you view these pups.

Pit bull is a general term for many breeds…

Including: American Pit Bull Terrier, the Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Actually, the word pit could come from…

… the fact that after bear baiting was outlawed in England (where this breed originated), folks would fill a pit with rats, and onlookers would see which dog could kill them in the shortest amount of time. 

They do not have a locking jaws…

A pit bull’s jaw is very similar to other large dog breeds. It’s their enthusiasm that makes them stubborn when it comes to chewing on something.

Oh, and by the way, they do not bite very hard.

According to National Geographic, German Shepherds and Rottweilers have a stronger bite.

Pit bulls were once called “nanny dogs.”

They got this name due to their incredible nature with children. 

They can live a pretty long life…

It’s estimated that a pit bull can live for as long as 12 to 14 years.

They are not the greatest guard dogs…

Believe it or not, when a pit bull is trained and socialized properly, they will give hugs and kisses to everyone who walks through the door. 

President Theodore Roosevelt owned a pit bull.

As did Helen Keller, President Woodrow Wilson, Fred Astaire, Thomas Edison and Humphrey Bogart. 

They are loved by modern celebrities as well.

Jessica Biel, Jennifer Anniston and Kevin Bacon all own pit bulls.

The pit bull was once considered “America’s Dog.”

In fact, a pit bull has been featured on LIFE three times, and was often used as America’s mascot, appearing in Army recruitment posters. 

Pit bulls are banned in some countries…

Including Wales, Denmark, Germany and Spain.

Laws like this make them the number one most abused dogs in the world.

Pit bulls make up 30-50% of the shelter population, and are the number one dog used in dog fighting. 

People have tried renaming these dogs…

To help relieve that negative connotation, but no other name has caught on. 

Their coats come in all different colors!

Including red, brown, grey, black and white.

They can make great therapy dogs.

Four out of 22 dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s home became therapy dogs.

Pit bulls are considered very intelligent…

…and kind animals.

They can love again…

The damage done to a dog that has been abused can never fully be reversed, but pit bulls who were forced to be aggressive, can recover with a lot of TLC. 

They are pretty low-maintenance.

Feed them, walk them, love them, and groom them occasionally!

They can be very playful.

This is where things might get out of hand, because again, pit bulls get very enthusiastic. As with all dogs, always supervise playtime with young children, and make sure you’re stern with your dog when playtime is over. 

You are 16 times more likely to drown in a five-gallon bucket of water…

… than be attacked by a pit bull.


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