10 Super Bowl Foods That Can Harm Your Pets

Poisonous Foods For Pets: Super Bowl Edition

There’s nothing like celebrating a big game like the Super Bowl with hot wings, beer, and all sorts of savory dishes. However, there are a ton of traditional Superbowl foods that can be poisonous foods to your pets.

We’ve rounded up a few of the big ones here to help you remember to be safe and always keep an eye on your pets.

Hot wings:

What’s a Super Bowl party without spicy chicken wings? Sure they are tasty to you, but to your pet, they can be deadly. If your dog or cat grabs one, they could face intestinal obstruction — or worse. Also, the amount of salt in these treats can cause high blood pressure. 


This should be a no-brainer, but dogs in particular do love the taste of beer. However, even small amounts can cause vomitting, diarrhea or even death. 

Chips and pretzels

Don’t ever give your pup chips or pretzels, the salt can lead to sodium poisoning.


The yeast found in pizza can accumulate in your pet’s digestive tract causing distress.

Corn on the cob

Who doesn’t love corn on the cob? The problem here is that it can cause intestinal blockage, which can lead to vomitting, diarrhea, and/or loss of appetite. 


It’s very easy for your pet to get poisoning from nuts or any food containing them. At the very least, it can cause severe stomach upset. 


We LOVE it, but because avocados have a fungicidal toxin called Persin in them, they can be very dangerous. 


Any sort of caffeinated beverage can cause rapid heartbeats, nausea, bleeding and/or muscle tremors. 

Candy and gum

Xylitol found in many candies and gums can be poisonous to your pet. Liver failure can occur, as can seizures.  


We all know that chocolate is no good for pets, but any sort of extra sweet dessert can cause major problems whether they are short term or long term.


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