3 Celebrity Pet Charities That You May Not Have Heard About


Pet Charities

Fortunately, there are celebrities in the mainstream media who want to make the world a happier place for pets. Read on to restore some of your faith in humanity and learn about 3 celebrities whose charity helps our non-human friends.

Ian Somerhalder Foundation

Ian Somerhalder is a famous American actor whose most famous roles include Boone Carlyle from the television series Lost and Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries. He cares about pets so much that he started the Ian Somerhalder Foundation in 2010, a foundation which “aims to empower, educate and collaborate with people and projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures.” In August of 2014, he announced finally able to open his own animal sanctuary in Louisiana. The shelter will also help teen bullying victims by having them care for the homeless pets on the premises.

animal sanctuary

DJ&T Foundation

Bob Barker is most famous for being the show host of The Price is Right who retired in 2007 after starring in it for 35 years. He finished many shows with the phrase: “Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.” Barker launched the DJ&T Foundation in 1994, named after both his wife and mother, Dorothy Jo and Tilly, because his wife’s decision to stop wearing her fur coats inspired his interest in animal rights. The Foundation is “most committed to making grants at the grassroots level to deserving organizations that provide low cost or free spay/neuter services or voucher programs. He was a long time host of the Miss America pageant but he dropped out of judging in 1987 because they refused to stop giving fur products as prizes.  He has also been provide large donations to several other animal rights organizations – in 2010, both PETA and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society announced the receipt of donations from Bob Barker. PETA received $2.5 Million and the Sea Shepherd Conversation Society received $5 Million, per Wikipedia.

The Halo Foundation

You can’t say “Ellen Degeneres” without saying “generous”! Much like Bob Barker, Ellen Degeneres is a comedian and television personality well-known for being a vocal advocate about human rights issues, but compassion isn’t confined to her own species. She shares ownership of a food brand called Halo, Purely For Pets that sells natural, affordable, and healthy food for pets. In affiliation with The Humane Society, the company gives food to shelters across the nation and continues to involve itself in animal charity fundraising campaigns. The Halo Foundation, the organization associated with her food brand, donates profits to animal welfare organizations, including the Humane Society.

She also supports pet advocacy organizations such as the Farm Sanctuary, Best Friends Animal Society, PETA, and a plethora of others. Her 2014 selfie at the Oscar’s gained the Humane Society a massive $1.5 million. Plus, she was also Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey’s campaign ambassador in 2010 along with a number of animal rights campaigns. In 2013, Halo partnered up with the Petco Foundation and gave $250,000 in grant money to winning animal welfare organizations and no-kill shelters. In 2014 alone, she provided 200,000 meals to shelters.

Photo Credit:  istockphoto.com

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
