5 Pet Traveling Facts You Probably Didn’t Know – Flying Overseas With Pets


4.  You May (Or May Not) Be Able to Travel With Your Pet in the Cabin

Before we started our research, I naively presumed that we could fly with our kitties in the cabin of the airplane.  I’d often seen people traveling with small dogs or cats in a carrier that fits under the seat in front like hand luggage.

pet traveling tips, flying overseas with pets, flying with cats

However, this isn’t always possible.  In fact, it depends on the airline, the route and the size of your pet.  Our cats were small enough to meet most guidelines for cabin travel, however we could not find an airline that would allow it for the route we took.

Our cats had to travel in the cargo section of the airplane, separated from passengers. There are people there to look after them and feed them on long flights but it’s up to you to do your own research and choose a reputable airline that you can trust with your furbabies.

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