Thanksgiving Foods Pets Can Eat And Ones To Avoid


thanksgiving foods pets can eat, foods safe for dogs, foods safe for cats, thanksgiving food pets can eat

Thanksgiving is a time for sharing. If you’re anything like staffers here at WagBrag, you find it hard to resist those big, sad eyes when you’re feasting on the turkey and dressing. Both cats and dog are pros when it comes to begging.

Since Thanksgiving is upon us we thought it would be a good idea to talk about which table scraps are okay and ones that are just plain bad for your pets.

Foods to Avoid Sharing with Your Pet

 While, just like you, dogs and cats need some fats in their diets, the fatty foods found on your holiday table aren’t a good choice for them.

Fatty greasy morsels – Upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting and possibly pancreatitis which can lead to infection and internal bleeding. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and can be fatal in both dogs and cats.

This doesn’t mean your pet has to miss out on the special times the holidays bring. You just need to give them pet appropriate treats.

Sugar free can be deadly – Are you planning to bake a smarter way and use something like Xylitol instead of sugar? It works well for you but is potentially fatal to your dog

<Also Read: Xylitol – 100 times more toxic to dogs than chocolote>

Stay away from the allium family – a bulbous plant that includes onions and it’s relatives. That means no to scallions, leeks, onions and garlic. Even a small amount can lead to something called toxic anemia.

Additional foods to avoid:

  • Junk food
  • Pizza
  • candy
  • chips
  • French fries
  • chocolate

Thanksgiving Foods Pets Can Eat

foods safe for dogs, food safe for cats, thanksgiving food pets can eat

There are some people foods that are fine for you to share with your dog or cat. Some pet parents even make their own dog and cat food from the foods we typically eat:

YES – Turkey without the skin is fine in small amounts. It’s a lean meat that can be found in commercial cat and dog food. Just watch the amount given. Moderation is key.

YES – Mashed potatoes. This veggie is okay on its own. It’s the additional butter, sour cream and cheese that should be avoided. This should be the occasional treat – given in moderation.

YES – Plain green beans are a wonderful treat for pets. In fact, this is the food vets recommend when putting a dog on a diet.

YES – Plain canned pumpkin.  But not the kind with spices and added sugar.  Pumpkin can help dogs with both constipation or diarrhea.

Your pets are family members and it’s tempting to give them special treats at the holidays. Some are fine and others are not. Make sure to keep an eye on how much they’re getting and tell everyone about those foods to avoid.

Watch Out For Calories

Besides the wrong types of fats found in people food, extra treats in the form of table scraps adds calories to your pet’s diet.  They then gain weight, have a harder time with exercise and play and then their health suffers as a result.

NOTE: You may be slipping a little treat under the table to Fido but it’s very likely that the other 15 people at your table are doing that, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
