6 Cat Weight Loss Tips – Creative Ways To Help Your Cat Lose Weight


3. Cats Beg – Avoid Giving People Food

cat weight loss tips

Cat’s can beg as well as dogs. Giving in and feeding your cat people food could contribute to your cat being overweight. If your cat begs when you eat, schedule your cat’s feeding time so it coincides with the time you eat. That will usually distract your cat from your food, and help her understand that she needs to eat her own food. If she still begs, ignore her. If you can’t ignore her, put her in another room (with her litter box and some water) until you’re done eating.

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Nicky LaMarco has been a freelance writer since 2001. Nicky is an experienced ghostwriter and copywriter. She also writes for a variety of magazines. Nicky lives in Maine with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. Learn more about her at www.nickylamarco.com.
