Dexter, The Newest Therapy Dog


Wagbrag is excited to announce that Dexter passed all his tests and evaluations to be a therapy dog.  So who is Dexter?  Dexter is the Labrador Retriever who belongs to Wagbrag Co-Founder, Russ Boles.  Dexter and Russ are now certified with the Happy Tails Pet Therapy organization to visit children and adult hospitals, nursing homes, mental institutions, schools and specific events like the

The Perfect Therapy DogSpecial Olympics.  Happy Tails Pet Therapy is a nonprofit organization, and their volunteers, along with their pets, provide therapy services to 125 locations throughout metro Atlanta.

Qualifying For The Therapy Dog Program

In order to qualify for the program, Dexter had to complete a series of tests and Russ had to prove that he had control over situations – Dexter was required to respond promptly to the cues or tasks that Russ asked of him.  For instance, Russ put him in a sit and stay position and then walked away from him, and Dexter had to stay for 20 seconds and wait for Russ’ return.  Dexter passed a series of leash walking tests and was put in a mock crowd situation to see how he would respond to loud noises and unfamiliar objects like wheelchairs and walkers.  “I was more nervous than Dexter”, claims Russ Boles.  “But once I settled down, Dexter cruised through the tests”.

The Perfect Job For Dexter

This will be the perfect “job” for Dexter – for without judgement, he likes every person he meets, and is glad to share his affection with strangers.  Undoubtedly, Dexter will leave a mark on all those he meets.  Because regardless of whether or not he leaves an impression with the stranger, Dexter will most likely leave behind some fur – like most Labradors he sheds 24 x 7.  But he will be well groomed for all his therapy visits.

We congratulate Dexter (oh yeah…and Russ) on this new adventure and hope to blog and post more stories about their experiences.



