MAN OF THE YEAR: George Clooney Adopts Another Shelter Dog


As if we didn’t already love George Clooney, the actor goes out and adopts another rescue dog, this one from Ohio!

According to LuvFurMutts Animal Rescue in Cincinnati, Clooney adopted a scruffy Terrier named Nate for his parents, Nick and Nina. The organization wrote on its blog that George, along with his wife Amal, had Nate delivered to his parents on Christmas. “Nina cried a little when she opened the door and Nate was put into her arms. She was very surprised. She cried a little again when she read the card from George, Amal and Angel saying they wanted her to have Nate to enjoy Christmas with.”

Clooney’s parents recently lost a terrier who they had for 10 years, so you can imagine, this was a very emotional day for everyone, including Nate, who was born with many birth defects.

After he was rescued from a hoarder’s home, the organization noticed that he had a barrel chest and a swayed leg. He was with LuvFurMutts for nine months, and everyone who met him in person turned him down, but not George!

And we shouldn’t be surprised — in October of last year, George and Amal adopted a basset hound mix named Millie from the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society.

We’re just holding back tears because who knew George would save another life? “They could have any dog in the world but they chose to adopt a dog who was crippled and could have been with LuvFurMutts for life. It’s truly a fairy-tale ending for Prince Nate . . . or should we say . . . a perfect Hollywood movie ending!”

We couldn’t agree more.

Have you fallen in love with George Clooney all over again?

