Find Toto is helping Reunite People with their Lost Pets



how to find lost pet, findtoto, pet finding serviceIf you’ve never experienced the distress of a lost pet, you’re lucky. When a pet goes missing, it can be devastating for its owners – akin to a lost child for many. More than 500,000 cats and dogs go missing each year, and of that number, only about thirty-four percent are ever found. The numbers are disheartening, but with a unique service called FindToto, the chances of finding your lost furry family member increase dramatically.

How FindToto Works To Find Your Lost Pet

how to find lost pet, findtoto, pet finding serviceFindToto is an emergency alert system for lost pets that immediately broadcasts your pet’s information to surrounding neighbors in the area the animal was last seen. Your pet’s description, your current contact information and the location where the animal was last known to be is given to each person called. Using the Find Toto service is simple.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the number of people to call in the given area.
  3. Fill out a short questionnaire with the lost pet’s description and other vital information.
  4. Within minutes, residents in the target area receive a phone call alerting them to be on the lookout for your missing pet.

Neighbors and residents in the lookout area receive a message from the Find Toto automated system that says something like this:

“Lost pet alert from your neighbor Brian and Their Dog Cody went missing on April 2nd near Jackson St. in Sacramento, CA .  Cody is a White Lab with blue collar. If you have seen him or can help, please call 916-555-5555. You can also view your neighbors lost pet and their contact info at  Thank you.”

If the neighbor isn’t home, the automated pet finder system will attempt to call four times. A message will be left on an answering machine or on voicemail so the person can call back to receive more information.

Phone numbers are pulled from a database of public numbers in a radius surrounding the pet’s last known location. When a lost pet is entered into the system, these numbers are uploaded and called – the Find Toto system has the ability to make thousands of calls within minutes!

Finding a lost pet quickly is vital to its safety. There are many dangers out there in the big, wide world and for a curious or naive animal, they can spell trouble fast. With Find Toto, reaching many people within the area your pet was last seen in just mere minutes makes the chances of finding your furry friend much better. Many distraught pet owners have used the Find Toto emergency pet finder service with great success. Check out this happy ending:

Lost Date : 2014-07-02

Alert Date : 2014-07-02

Found Date : 2014-07-04

“Find Toto Rocks! We started receiving calls less than an hour after our message was sent out. We found our dogs in less than two hours (after being missing for 36 hours). They are home safely! Thanks!!!”          – Colorado

how to find lost pet, how to find lost dog, findtoto, pet finding service



Images: Thinkstock

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
