How to Properly Care for Your Dog After Spaying or Neutering


In order to keep your dog healthy, one of the most common procedures that you might want to consider is getting your dog spayed or neutered. For first-time owners, getting their pet through this procedure can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially since it is still a surgery. Here is a short guide on why the procedure is important, how you can help your dog be more comfortable after the procedure, and where you can purchase the necessary tools for the procedure, such as medical equipment and online prescription medications for dogs.

Difference Between Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering are actually two very different procedures.

Spaying is performed on female dogs and involves removing their ovaries and uterus. When a female dog is spayed, she will no longer be capable of reproducing and will no longer undergo her heat cycle. Neutering, on the other hand, is performed on male dogs and involves removing their testicles and other connected structures. Only licensed veterinarians should perform these surgeries. They generally perform them in clinics, but there are times when you can get a vet to do the procedure at home so that the dog is more comfortable and it eliminates the need to transport the dog back home post-surgery.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, there are still recorded cases when dogs who have undergone spaying or neutering can still exhibit behaviors related to their breeding instincts. This means that neutered male dogs might still try to hump female dogs, and spayed female dogs might still allow themselves to be mounted by male dogs. However, there will be no danger of any accidental breeding.

Why Should You Spay or Neuter Your Dog?

There are generally three reasons why it is recommended that you spay or neuter your dog, especially if you are not a reputable breeder or you do not show your dog.

First, these procedures eliminate the chances of having unwanted litters. At any given time, there are millions of puppies and dogs at shelters and pounds all over the USA, and reducing unwanted litters means reducing dogs who might one day end up in these shelters.

Second, these procedures also reduce the chances of your dog getting certain diseases. Spayed female dogs have lower chances of getting pyometra (uterine infections) and mammary cancer, while neutered male dogs no longer have the risk of developing testicular cancer.

Finally, neutered male dogs are generally less aggressive and territorial compared to dogs who have not been neutered. The decrease in testosterone in their body makes them less likely to seek out mates, and may even lessen their habit of marking around your home.

How to Make My Dog Comfortable Upon Arrival at Home

When your dog comes home from their surgery, you will need to help them recover and get back to their happy and normal self. Here are some steps that you should take:

Find a quiet and safe space for them to recover

If possible, look for a quiet room where your pet can sleep and rest without being disturbed. If they are usually an outdoor pet, you can make an exception and set up a small space inside your home during the duration of their recovery.

Give them a clean surface and a warm blanket during the first few days. Remember, the site of their surgery is going to be tender and bruised for a while so they might need a soft surface to lie down on.

Keep them away from children and other pets

If you have other pets or small children in your home, make sure to keep them separated for at least a week to give your dog time to rest and recover. Any excess physical activity can cause the stitches to tear and the wound to bleed.

Prevent them from licking the site of incision

It will be normal for your dog to try and lick the site where the incision was made and you need to prevent them from licking it. Excessive licking can remove the stitches, re-open the wound, and make it prone to infection.

You might need to purchase an Elizabeth collar to place on your dog’s neck to prevent it from licking the wound.

What Medications Can I Purchase Online?

There are a few medications that you can purchase online to help your dog with its recovery. You can purchase multivitamins to help them regain their strength, as your dog might not eat or drink normally for a few days after the surgery. You can also buy antibacterial ointments or creams that you can apply to the incision site to help speed up healing and prevent infections. Of course, you will need a vet’s prescription before you buy these medications to ensure that you are buying the right ones for your dog.

