BREAKING: PetSmart & Petco Supplier Caught Freezing Hundreds Of Animals


Disclaimer: WagBrag is in no way affiliated with PETA, nor do we necessarily agree with its status. This article is intended to bring light to a particular issue regarding PetSmart & PetCo. 

Prepare yourself for the unthinkable.

A PETA eyewitness documented a Pennsylvania Petco supply farm freezing and gassing hundreds of animals inside buildings.”Their screams could be heard across the room,” a report by PETA states.

Animals such as hamsters, rabbits, gerbils, chinchillas and ferrets from Holmes Farm can be seen stored in plastic bins and frozen to death in a graphic video posted on PETA’s website.

PETA also claims that the buildings where the animals were kept reeked of urine and feces, and were spattered with blood. The organization also claims, amongst other cruelty, its eyewitness saw hamsters running in constant circles, which is a sign of stress or illness.

Apparently, PETCO sent an inspector to the farm early in December, and yet continued to do business with them. As of right now, the company says it has dropped ties with the Pennsylvania provider. “We have reached out to the USDA to learn about its findings,” PetSmart spokeswoman Erin Gray said. “If we find our standards have not been met by this supplier, we will take swift and appropriate action.”

There’s currently a petition, which already has 42,986 supporters, that urges supporters to shop else where. PETA also recommends, as do we, to go with adopting pets rather than buying from a store or breeder.

Holmes Farm is currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The video from PETA is below — be warned it is very graphic.


Do you shop at Petco or PetSmart? Does this change things for you?

