Jack Russell Terrier

This little dog is known for his high energy and digging ability. Also known in the dog world as a Parson Russell Terrier, the Jack Russell was bred specifically for activity and work.
He loves hunting and competing but if you don’t give him enough to do, he will definitely turned to his own pleasure of digging. If you have a garden that you enjoy, keeping your Jack Russell busy will be of primary importance if you don’t want to come out to an excavated garden or lawn.
If you and your family are looking for a fun-loving, high energy dog to come with you on lots of adventures, check out any of the breeds listed in this post.
Reference link: http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/veterinary-experts-vote-on-the-5-most-high-energy-dog-breeds
Photo Credit: istockphoto.com