You love your cat and your smartphone, right? Well, get some cat apps!

Top Cat Smartphone Apps
There are lots of cat smartphone apps for pet lovers. A good example of this kind of cat app is Pet First Aid which offers simple instructions, interactive videos and more. A great app to have in case of an emergency.
Cat Training App
Now if you are having issues with your cat’s behavior, you might want to look for a cat app like Cat Training. Need help with a cat that wants to scratch everything in sight or won’t use the litter box? This app can help you deal with those issues and teach your smart cat a few tricks on the side.
General Apps for Cat Lovers
Cats Expert is a free app. covering the complete history of the cat, with many interesting and fun facts.
PetSnap is a great way to get pictures of your cat. These will be pictures where your cat will be looking directly at the camera every time. How? This app offers up 32 sounds that will get your cat to turn its attention to your phone so you can get that perfect shot. Ducks, dogs, birds and bells will all attract your fickle cat’s attention.
Medical Apps for Cat Lovers
Petoxins is an extremely useful app that lists all the plants and other items that can be toxic to your cat. It contains pictures and detailed information regarding these plants and toxins. There is information about the issues these plants can cause and what to do if your cat consumes them. It costs $2.99.
This is similar to Pet First Aid in that it allows you to keep a medical record of your cat life and history. It also tells you how much you should be feeding your cat.
Training Apps for Cat Lovers
Cat Training – Maybe one of the best training apps available for cats. This app provides the cat lover with actual videos of how to distract cats from unwanted behavior like attacking baby birds, to litter training, to actually doing tricks. For 99 cents, you get a lot, although there are a few other quality training apps out there.
Cat Training Basics is a great free app. Some swear that this is the best training app on the market for cats. This is probably true for those who have never had a cat before. This app covers things like training your cat to walk on a leash and other tricks, along with the basics of litter training, shredding and scratching, and a very good overview of the personality of cats.
Fun Apps for Cat Lovers
Rate My Pets is not just for cat lovers but it will certainly be fun for those who think their cat is the greatest pet in the world. Here you can show off your cat to the rest of the pet loving world. You can tell your cat’s story and upload all his pictures. You can see if others agree with your biased assessment of your cat. There is email, live chat and contests your cat can win.
App for Cats is another fun application – but this one is not for you; it’s for your cat. As your screen fills up with bugs and creepy crawlies, your cat will go nuts trying to catch them. But he never will and therein lays the fun for both of you. This 99 cent app is certainly worth a dollar in the many laughs it will bring you. If your cat touches the bugs on the screen, they will move faster while making noises to drive your cat even crazier. Every cat lover will love this app.
Take your time browsing through the free and the inexpensive apps that your smartphone offers for your cat. You will surely find many that are informative and helpful and even more that are just plain fun!
Photo: Courtesy of ThinkStock