Why would this story be considered a miracle? First, consider how things operate in county animal shelters. Once dogs are surrendered by an owner, their hold period (time period in which shelters lawfully must keep an animal before they can euthanize them) is very short – for most shelters it’s just a few days. However, the county shelters try to keep the animal as long as they can in hopes of re-homing the animal, and they may even attempt to send some to no-kill pet rescue organizations. But for rural county shelters where pet intakes are high and space is limited, there may be no choice but to euthanize those animals when their time is up, so they can make room for more animals coming in. It’s a sad, sad cycle.
Obviously, the Jasper County Animal Control staff must have seen something very special in these two dogs to have granted them such a long stay. RMG also kept a close eye on them, and would have liked to have rescued them sooner. But RMG is a foster-based organization and does not have a facility of their own. Marybeth shared with us, “It’s not easy finding a perfect home for a dog that’s part ‘bully’ breed – but two is even harder. Also, if they were not so dependent on one another, it would have been easier. But we could NOT separate them.” These two dogs share such a strong bond that they whimper when they aren’t touching and are like twins, doing everything the same way.
So the dogs waited and waited….
Their Time is Up
After 12 months, time had run out for the two brothers at the shelter and they were scheduled to be euthanized. But fate would intervene. A donor, who also happens to be a RMG volunteer, stepped up and told RMG to get the dogs out of the shelter – they would help figure out where to house and how to care for the dogs.
After being rescued, they were given new names – Ranger and Scout. Next, they went straight to Unleashed in Dunwoody, Ga for baths and new doggie supplies. The dogs were given new harnesses, toys, chewies and collars. As you can imagine, it was like seeing “kids in a candy shop”. During the baths, they tried to put them in separate tubs but the brothers would have nothing to do with that – they are always side by side.

Heartbreak – They are Separated
After the bath and shopping spree, they were taken to the boarding facility, where the two brothers were to be temporarily housed. But then came some unexpected news. “Here’s the heartbreaking part”, stated Marybeth. She furthered explained that the boarding facility has a strict policy. They will not allow any dogs with pitbull in them to kennel together. “So we stood and cried in the lobby and begged”, said Marybeth. But the boarding facility would not change their minds – the two brothers were placed in separate kennels.
Daily Trips to Run and Walk Together
The situation is not ideal, but the dogs are safe. Hopefully a foster home can be found soon so that Ranger and Scout can be together again. In the meantime, Susie and Patrick Lane, the two generous donors who initiated this rescue, are now making daily trips to the kennel. Each day they take Ranger and Scout to the Chattahoochee River to walk and run. Susie told us, “they are incredibly smart, and they know how to sit on command and have learned ‘leave it’.” These are two extremely sweet dogs who just want to please….and they love kids!
Will You Foster Or Adopt?
RMG is working desperately to find a foster to take them both and let them lay side by side again. Or better yet a forever home. Both dogs are fully vetted and neutered.
If you are interested in fostering or adopting Ranger and Scout, please contact Rescue Me Ga at www.rmgdogs.org or email susie@rescuemega.org