Do These 5 Pet Safety Tips Immediately


pet safety tips, dog safety tips

We know your pets are like family members. You love them and do your best to keep them safe. Here are five important steps you can take to ensure your pet’s safety.

5 Pet Safety Tips

1. Sign Up For Pet Food Recall Alerts

The pet food segment makes up the largest percentage of the booming pet industry. According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, as of May 5th, 2017, there has been a total of 28 recalls between dog and cat food – and we are not even halfway through the year yet! These recalls have resulted in minor illness to even pet deaths.

Follow us on Twitter @Wagbrag for recall updates or sign up to receive email alerts from the FDA.

2. Microchip Your Pet

According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, a lost pet has a much greater chance of being reunited with their owner if they are microchipped. The likely hood of being reunited increases approximately 30% for dogs and roughly 36% for cats – if they are microchipped. Unfortunately, many people forget to keep their contact information update with the pet microchip registry services.  Remember to update your information before you move to a new home.  Also, if you pet is a rescue, services like Shelter Management Software records your chip and you can be alerted if your pet is turned into a county shelter.

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) is a universal registry service. For a listing of microchipping companies visit their website – AAHA Website.

3. Assign a temporary or backup caregiver

There are numerous possibilities that could temporarily delay you in your travels or daily activities – this could result in your pets being stranded at your house. Give a trusted family member or friend access to your house so they can care for your pet in case of emergency. If you don’t have a friend or family member nearby that you trust, then consider a pet sitting service. However, it’s advised that you discuss this with them ahead of time so that you are aware of any limitations or restrictions to immediate care-giving requests.

4. Get a – ‘My Pet Is Home Alone’ Card

Hopefully, this never happens, but imagine you are in a series car accident. Having a My Pet Is Home Alone card in your wallet could help alert emergency personnel that you have a pet at home. They are inexpensive and there’s several different card design options – just Google “pet emergency card for wallet” to see what’s available. I even found a cute little keychain option on Etsy.

In addition to the card, you can take this a step further and download an “in case of emergency” mobile app. There are several different mobile app options. Many free apps as well. They provide templates so you can display your emergency contact information on your phone’s home screen. So when/if emergency personnel try to turn on or access your phone they will automatically see the information for your emergency contacts.

5. Teach your dog a reliable recall pet safety tips, dog safety tips

Teaching your dog to reliably come to you, no matter what the situation, can be a lifesaver. Sometimes the leash can slip out of your hand or it may break. It can be dangerous or deadly if your dog runs into traffic or takes off deep into the woods chasing after a squirrel. Plus, there is no greater gift than allowing your pet to run free while also being safely under your control.

6. Pack A Dog Survival Kit

Having a bag packed for emergency situations is a great idea. This means that in case of an emergency you will always have a bag ready to go with you that includes all the essentials for your dog. In this bag, you should include some basics like 3 days worth of food and water, first aid items and maybe even a favorite toy.

Do you have a good pet safety tip?  Let us know and we may update this article to include additional tips.

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
