5 Pet Traveling Facts You Probably Didn’t Know – Flying Overseas With Pets


5. You May Want to Use an Agent

pet traveling tips, flying overseas with pet

I’m not going to sugar coat it, using a pet travel agency is extremely expensive.  All I will say is that the flights for the two cats cost more than for myself and my husband.  By a significant amount.

If your route is a short haul, you can try to manage the paperwork yourself.  In our case, we were quickly overwhelmed.  When I read that pets arriving with mistakes in their paperwork would be sent back to their country of origin, or even worse – put down if you can’t afford the fare (this is crazy but true), I knew it wasn’t worth the risk.  

We chose an agent with decades of experience and they basically did everything for us from recommending the correct crate to meeting and arranging accommodation for our cats during the layover.

After all of this, I can say that it was definitely worth it to have our cats with us when we moved.  They didn’t seem too stressed out after the journey – probably because they were young and healthy.  However, because of the risk involved and since these are just a few pet traveling tips, it’s best to seek the advice of a vet to make the best choice for you and your pets.


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