Homeless Man Dies With Dog Tied To Him – Dog Found 3 Days Later


Up To 350,000 Homeless People Estimated To Have Pets

It’s reported that there are about 3.5 million homeless people living in the U.S.  Pet’s of the Homeless estimates, that approximately 5% – 10% of the homeless population have pets (that equates to about 175,000 – 350,000 homeless people having a dog and/or cat). A study done by the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph found that homeless people benefit from having a pet.  The study claimed that they were less likely to be depressed and less likely to use hard drugs and avoid risky behavior. But unfortunately, that was not the case for Nitro’s owner.

Nitro, homeless dog, dog tied to homeless man, w-underdogs
Meet Nitro

Nitro’s Story

Britt House-Deegan, Adoption & Foster Coordinator with the W-Underdogs Youth Program, shared Nitro’s story with WagBrag. Britt explained that Nitro belonged to a homeless man in metro-Atlanta, Ga. His owner also happened to be a drug user. When his owner died from a drug overdose two weeks ago, Nitro was tied to him. It’s believed that Nitro was tied to him for three whole days before another homeless couple discovered the lifeless body attached to Nitro.

homeless man dies with dog tied to him, nitro

The couple realized that Nitro was special – he was a good dog and well mannered. But they feared that if they turned him into the county shelter that he would be euthanized because of his pit-bull like appearance. So the couple attempted to care for him but Nitro was distressed – he appeared to be constantly looking around for his owner, crying and whining, and was not eating.

W-Underdog Rescue Takes In Nitro

The couple knew Nitro needed help from someone more experienced and eventually, they contacted Britt at W-Underdogs in Atlanta, GA. Luckily, the organization took him in and found a caring temporary foster home for Nitro – with Britt and her husband and their two therapy dogs. “He is such a great dog and has been the perfect gentleman!”, Britt explained. Nitro is house trained and does not chew on furniture. He gets along well with the other dogs and he is well mannered around cats and loves kids.

Nitro, homeless man dies with dog tied to him, w-underdogs, dog news
Happy Nitro enjoying his temporary foster home.

Britt tried crating him at night or when they are away but he whines and cries. “All this dog wants is to sleep in the same room as you”, says Britt. He’ll sleep at your feet or snuggle – whatever you prefer, just let him sleep near you, she shared. He is an easy-going and laid back dog but he also absolutely loves to play fetch and chase after tennis balls!

Nitro, w-underdogs, dog rescue, dog news, homeless man dies with dog tied to him
Nitro taking a nap alongside another dog in his foster home.

Nitro is ready for his new forever home. He is healthy, up-to-date on his vaccines and neutered.

Interested in Adopting or Fostering Nitro?

Britt and W-Underdogs are now trying to find Nitro the perfect forever home or a long term foster home.  If you are interested in meeting or fostering Nitro please contact Britt at W-Underdogs.

Contact Info:

Primary Contact: Brittany House-Deegan (Adoption & Foster Coordinator)
Phone: (678) 753-5923

About W-Underdogs

W-Underdogs is a non-profit organization. Their mission is to lift up disadvantaged children by helping rescue animals. They teach kids how to manage, care and train dogs and cats and the importance of veterinary care. The kids learn personal discipline and responsibility as they rehabilitate the animals. They also learn how to care for animals and in turn, how to care for themselves and show compassion for others. Their goal is to address the challenges that disadvantaged, at-risk youth face and provide them with the skills and a sense of accomplishment to help them overcome their issues. To learn more about W-Underdogs visit their website at www.w-underdogs.org 

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
