GRAPHIC: Woman Who Tossed Dog In California Is Identified


 Warning: The video below might be upsetting to some viewers. 

Pets often are involved in domestic disputes, and end up becoming victims to animal abuse by their own family. This was the case with a Fairfield, California pug, who was tossed by the legs into a puddle by his owner, who was angry at her boyfriend.

According to the San Francisco Gate, a woman was seen throwing the dog like a rag doll, in a video uploaded to Facebook. The Solano County Animal Services department had been looking for the woman, who has now been identified as Brandi Chin.

Apparently, Chin threw her dog, Benny, moments after she was fighting with her boyfriend. After Benny was thrown, and rolled multiple times, Chin’s boyfriend picked up him. Chin’s boyfriend said the dog appeared to be okay afterwards. He added that the dog belonged to Chin, and believes she abused Benny to “spite” him.

Chin is currently hiding from police, according to the post. When police and Humane Animal Services went to a home to look for her, she wasn’t there, nor was Benny.  “We are looking to file animal cruelty charges against her and have this dog removed from her because the dog doesn’t deserve that,” Sgt. Michael Ramirez told Fox40.

Please watch the video below. Anybody who recognizes her can call Humane Animal Services at (707) 449-1700.

Have you seen Brandi Chin in Fairfield, California?

