Christmas Gifts for the Dog in your Life


Dog bedding

It will be soon the most wonderful time of year and, while we are looking high and low for the perfect present for friends and family, we simply cannot forget about gift ideas for the dogs in our lives!

As anyone who regularly reads this blog will know, dogs are just as much a part of the family as anyone else. They are our trusty companions, our best friends and, sometimes, the only ones who tolerate our madness – all the more reason to make your furry friend part of your festive celebrations.

Yummy, Yet Healthy, Pet Treats

If there is only one way to your dog’s heart then it is certainly through its stomach. All pooches look forward to meal times, and simply won’t say no to their favourite treats. If your dog’s Christmas stocking includes treats, then make sure that they are healthy.

Look at the ingredients of treats and, just as you would with anything that you eat, only try not to buy anything that is packed with artificial ingredients and chemicals. Wholefoods, such as cabbage and carrots (very seasonal, at this time of year), make for great treats as, not only do dogs’ love the taste, they are packed full of nutrients.

Doggie Coats

Would you want to go outside in the winter, wearing nothing more than what you entered the world in? No, you wouldn’t, so why should your dog? Yes, they have big thick coats, especially breeds such as German Shepherds and Huskys, but some dogs require an extra layer to see them through on winter walks.

Dog Coats

Older dogs certainly need a little extra comfort, as they will fill the cold air even more as their bodies are not as strong and robust as they were in their youth. Why not invest in something season, such as a little Santa coat for the dog to wear this Christmas time?

New Dog Bedding

All of the excitement at Christmas can be a lot to take in for our furry friends, so making sure that they have a nice quiet area to retreat to is a must. With this in mind, a new fluffy dog bed will make for the perfect Christmas present.

You can find some absolutely gorgeous dog beds that even you might be tempted to catch 40 winks in. Your furry friend deserves something more than a bog standard, worn out, tired old bed that more closely resembles a smelly rug. Treat your dog to some comfort, ensuring that they have a very merry Christmas indeed.

Dog Tags

If you haven’t already got your dog an ID tag, then it is important that you invest in one. Newly brought home dogs will appreciate a new collar and tag as this will make them feel at home, whether you realise it or not.

All dogs and cats should have some form of identification in case the worst happens and someone can call the owner if they are found. Despite it now being a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped, some visible contact details are always better.

Something to Rip Open

Whatever you buy your furry friend this Christmas, make sure to wrap it up so as they have something to rip up – it’s all part of the fun, of course! Some dogs may need a little encouragement, but other will have no problem jumping straight in and making a mess!

Dogs will know which present is theirs, and will look for their gifts so don’t leave them out! Christmas is for everyone, and especially our most faithful of companions.

