How To Create A Pet Friendly Office


take your dog to work day

We’ve gotten more and more attached to our pets over the last few decades. The nature of the workplace is changing as many companies adopt pet policies.  For example, 9 percent of companies provide pet insurance for their employees, and 8 percent let workers bring their pets to work, according to data from the Society for Human Resource Management.

If you aren’t one of those pet-friendly workplaces yet, you can figure out how to transform your office culture. But this will take planning and negotiation. That includes what pets will and won’t be allowed—healthy animals with up-to- date checkups and vaccinations is a good start. In addition, those workplace regulations should be clear about where pets are allowed, what animal behavior will be tolerated, and what consequences are for any issues that might happen. And you have to have an honest evaluation of your animal, too: Is it a pet that’s likely to be friendly and easy-going, or aggressive with new faces and situations?

Productivity Boost From Pets

Pets in the work place can also help boost productivity. A study by Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant found that the presence of a dog helped employees collaborate. The study found that those who brought their dogs to the office were seen as being more trustworthy and ranked higher with team cohesion and intimacy.

Cons of a Pet Friendly Office

But bringing a pet to an office needs to be well thought out and planned. A company pet policy should create a productive atmosphere for all. Many people have pet allergies and pet phobias. Customers may not be thrilled to visit an office if they get fur on their nice suits or slobbered on from a large shedding dog.

How To Create A Pet Friendly Office

Use this graphic to sort through the myriad issues in creating a pet-friendly office.


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How to foster and manage a pet-friendly office

How-to-foster-and-manage-a-pet-friendly-office Infographic by Petco

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
