Tips For Camping With Your Dog


Camping With Your Dog

Nothing screams summer quite like camping does. When this time of the year rolls around, we love to gather up our family and friends and hit the great ole outdoors. However, humans aren’t the only kind of companions suitable for this trip. Dogs love to go camping too. However, since camping occurs outside where there are a ton of potential dangers in sight, you have to be super careful at all times. Below we have compiled a list of tips to keep in mind when camping with your dog.

Before You Set Out on Your Camping Trip

As soon as you decide you want to take a camping trip with your dog, it is important to talk with your veterinarian. You want to make sure that your dog is in top shape and can handle all of the conditions you will be putting him through. Also, check with the veterinarian that your pet has received his required vaccinations. In particular, your dog needs to be protected against rabies. Some other disease vaccinations you may want to chat with your veterinarian about are Lyme and tick-borne disease. Besides this, it is crucial to inquire about tick and flea control, as these pests are often found in campsites.

Then, you will also want to ensure that your dog has some kind of harness or collar that contains an identification tag. This way, if for whatever reason, your dog goes missing on the trip, there will be a way to contact you. That is why you should include your cell phone number on the tag. Other than this, you can even microchip your dog, so that if he gets lost along the way, you will be able to locate him right away.

Bring the Essentials For Your Dog

Once you are ready to head out on the road with your dog, it is time to start packing up everything your dog needs for the trip. For starters, you will want to bring drinking water for your dog in case there isn’t any available at the campsite itself. Remember, your dog should never slurp up water from any standing bodies of water nearby, because it could be crawling with parasites. You also need to pack up plenty of food and treats for your dog because they should stay on their regular diet throughout the whole trip.  Food dishes and water bowls are also items that should be packed.

Of course, you want to keep your dog occupied on the whole trip, so pack up some bedding and toys. Then, you will need more basic items with you like a bag to pick up your dog’s bathroom dropping, a first aid kit in case he gets hurt while outside, any medications that he takes daily and a leash or collar to make sure you have him in your control at all times. With these items by your side, you will be truly prepared for this camping trip.

What You Should Always Keep in Mind

Camping with your dog should be a fun experience, and it can be if you are well-prepared. With these tips in mind, your dog will stay safe and happy out in the great outdoors.

camping with your dog


[Image 1 Flickr]    [Image 2: Thinkstock]

WagBrag’s co-founder, Russ Boles, has a deep history in animal rescue and welfare. For the past 12 years, Russ has served in various roles with Atlanta-based animal advocacy organizations focused on rescue, training and education. In addition, Russ led a local rescue volunteer team into New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina, assisting in efforts to rescue and care for stranded animals. This experience changed his life, and animal rescue and advocacy will always be a part of everything he does.
