Top Dangerous Foods for Cats


Foods for Cats

Dogs, at least some of them, will eat just about anything.  Cats, on the other hand, are a bit more finicky.  However, just because your cat will eat something, doesn’t mean they should.  There are also things your dog can safely eat, but your cat cannot.

What’s Not on the List of Approved Foods?

While indulging in a little alcohol may be advantageous to your digestive and other body systems, the same is not true of your cat.  Alcoholic beverages can cause coma and/or death in cats.

Cats (most) love tuna, and while a little here and there for a treat is fine, abstain from feeding too much and too regularly.  Tuna does not contain essential nutrients your cat needs, which can cause him to become malnourished if feed regularly.  He’ll love you just as much for canned food made for cats and you will also be giving him a balanced meal that supplies what he needs to keep in top shape.

Another kind of fish that you would think would be fine for cats is raw fish in general.  Raw fish can break down essential B vitamins that your cat needs to protect against neurological problems.

Onions and garlic can wreak havoc on a cat’s digestive system.  This is a food item that is also off limits for dogs. Onion in any form, in a large quantity or frequent small amounts is poisonous to cats.  Onion powder is also found in baby food, so it is off limits for your furry friend also.

Everyone has heard that chicken bones are hazardous to dogs due to the fact they can splinter and cause a dog to choke, and the same is true for cats.  Bones can also cause a blockage in the intestines and splintered bones can perforate the intestines.  Other food items that are contraindicated in both dogs and cats are grapes and raisins (in cats they can cause kidney failure) and chocolate.  The offending ingredient in chocolate is theobromine and can cause seizures and death.

Milk is another surprising food item you shouldn’t give your cat, especially adult cats.  The same goes for cheese.  Adult cats are lactose intolerant and dairy products cause diarrhea.

The Right Food in the Right Proportions

Although some people food may be permissible in small amounts, the better choice is to feed your cat a commercially prepared food made to address all his nutritional needs.  Housecats, like their wild cousins, need lots of meat in their diet.  Read up on what brands are best and talk to your vet to find a food that provides all the nutrients he needs.  Check out sites like GoodGuide or 1-800PetMeds for pet food brand ratings.  Oh, and remember not to overfeed.  Many cats and dogs are extremely overweight and, although you may think it harmless and even cute, obesity in pets is just as bad as it is in humans.

Your cat needs a diet high in animal-based protein and access to plenty of fresh water.  However, cats derive most of the water their bodies need from their food.  Feeding canned food will provide both the protein your cat needs and the water content will keep him hydrated.

Our pets may seem human sometimes, but pet food is for pets because it is made to provide all their nutritional needs that will keep them both happy and healthy.

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Gerald Owens, has a vision – to create an online community that embraces all aspects to having and caring for pets. Our mission is to provide pet “guardians” with accurate, relevant information on how to have happier and healthier animal companions.
