Adopt a Cat: Foster Homes Needed


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Adopt A Cat….Or Foster

This week’s adopt a cat is a little different. There are no-kill cat shelters across the country who need your help as foster homes. This is how no-kill shelters are able to never euthanize any animals. Foster parents care for cats and other pets while they are awaiting a forever home. If it weren’t for these foster parents it would be difficult to say where no-kill shelters would be today. You can read more about being a foster home for shelters here.

Shy Cats Need Help

In the meantime, there are two cats at The Safe Haven Humane Society in Wells, Maine. This is the shelter where I adopted my cat, Buddy. These people work incredibly hard to keep cats alive, healthy, and loved. Right now they have several cats who need foster homes. They are looking for help for two special cats – they are black and white, shy and semi-feral. According to a Facebook post from Safe Haven Humane Society, a woman is currently letting the cats enter her basement, and some are beginning to rub up against her leg. But this is a not a permanent situation for the cats – winter is coming soon and they need a foster home. They don’t have to go to the same home. Let’s help save these cats’ lives and get them into a forever home! First, we need to find a foster home for them, and then we can find someone who wants to adopt a cat or these cats.

To Learn More About These Cats

If you’re interested contact Joyce at or call Safe Haven Humane Society at #207-646-1611.


If you run a cat shelter or volunteer for one and would like your cat featured here on WagBrag’s Adopt a Cat send an email to Nicky at Thank you!


Featured image: iStock

Nicky LaMarco has been a freelance writer since 2001. Nicky is an experienced ghostwriter and copywriter. She also writes for a variety of magazines. Nicky lives in Maine with her husband, two daughters, and two cats. Learn more about her at
